Sunday, October 28, 2007

Building a Mosque

One of the first buildings I wanted for my table was a mosque. I've looked at a lot of pictures of mosques in the middle east and couldn't find one single prototype building that I like best (I wanted to build several ;-) ) and which would be easy to construct. Since I also like the mosque in the BFEvo Advanced Rulebook, which is pretty large yet has a compact footprint at the same time, I decided to build a similar mosque.

So I'm constructing a mosque that will be similar to that one. I'm constructing mine out of cork-tile board, foam core, balsa, spackling paste, and a floral foam block from which to shape the dome.

First the basic shell, showing the floor around the outside, leaving the internal space open to the ceiling. Dang but it was painful to cut out all those arched windows!:

The roof, showing the dome shaped from florist foam and coated in spackle. I painted mine blue (rooftop still unpainted thought), as many in Iraq are blue. You could also go with gold:

The front "portico" or entranceway, shown from the rear (inside):

And finally, the assembled mosque, ready for painting. I still plan to add a minaret (tower), but this will be added a bit later.

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