Sunday, October 21, 2007

BattleField Evolution

Well, my most recent gaming project is Battlefield Evolution. Battlefield Evolution (BFEvo) is published by Mongoose Publishing (MGP).

A game of "near future" modern combat, BFEvo is a fast paced game of combat nominally set roughly in the next decade.

MGP has also produced a line of prepainted (!) 28mm figures and vehicles for the game.

Figures style is closer in proportion to 1/72 plastics than the 28mm metal miniatures most gamers are used to. So MGP figures, while measuring 28mm on the Barrett scale (foot to eye), will look a bit odd next to 28s from other manufacturers.

The vehicles' scale is approximately 1/64. While small to some gamers' tastes, the scale looks appropriate next to the figures.

I've read much discussion, both in favor of, as well as against MGP's scale decision. While I wish there was greater compatibility with other manufacturers ranges, I love the MGP proportion and scale. I've never been a huge fan of "stocky" 28mm and greatly prefer realistically proportioned figures. And I'm very much in favor of buying prepainted miniatures, given the other demans of Real Life(tm).

As is typical for me, I've jumped into this project with both feet. I've purchased large forces for two of the four factions (USMC and the Middle Eastern Alliance (MEA) ), and have started building middle eastern style terrain. More on that later...

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